Blog Archive

Monday 28 October 2013

Death on Two Legs!!

First let me say that I will be eternally grateful to the various Race Directors, Companies and Clubs who have sponsored my entry into events all over the place for this challenge.

I have done my best to be complimentary about even the races that I struggled with and/or didn't enjoy.

I have to say that the Onehunga Half Marathon fits into the 'didn't enjoy' category. In fact if I had to choose one race to never ever run again from the runs I have finished this year... this would be it, hands down!

Which is a real shame, as a lot of the run is really picturesque.

Anyway, more of that to come... back to the start. Onehunga was a 'smash and grab' run, out of bed early in Rotorua (very early for an 8am start)... zoom up, get registered. Run the race, hobble back to the car and drive home.

Nice but slightly breezy day, pretty good for running. Caught up with Jono on the microphone for an interview, had my now standard pic with Michael Dall and then off to the road for the briefing and start.

We all lined up a little later than planned as there were some course hold ups. And away we went, along the road for the first several hundred metres... then onto the overbridge across the motorway. Bitumen mixed with concrete footpath took us to the new Mangere Bridge where we crossed the walk and bikeway. Then looped back down onto the old Mangere Bridge... over that then onto the walkway and concrete... lots and lots of concrete.

As I have said, the views were for the most part pretty good, but my big frame in not-so-padded road shoes meant I started to hurt early, There may have been some hangover from the previous weeks Big O exertions, but mostly I was just feeling like the footpath was smashing my body.

We did an out and back route into the industrial area and then back to the Old Mangere Bridge for another crossing, then along the ... footpath ... yes, more footpath, that follows the waterfront on another out and back. Kept seeing the Gorilla on a trike... he seemed to be having fun... probably had better suspension than me!
Geoff Higgins... not far now!

The views were nice
Michael Dall zoomed by me looking very happy as always... but I was grumpy by now, just wanting it to be over. Geoff Higgins on the way to a PB, did not look as happy as the first time we crossed, but still smiling, as he was working hard by this time.

Finally I crossed the old bridge again, plodded back to the motorway overbridge and struggled to the finish in a pretty average time of 1:54:31 for 29th in the Vets... which also made me grumpier as the Vets were 40+.

Pretty well everyone I knew had disappeared by the time I finished and I disappeared pretty quickly too. A hardened road and pavement runner would love this course, but a converted trail runner like me found it way too hard! #24 though was in the books... onward we go...

Good onya Mate!

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